NeuroMental Model AMRI
Developed by Fausto Presutti to describe all the complexity and development prospects of human intelligence in the 21st century
How can Homo Sapiens survive and manage the changes of the 21st century?
The main and necessary solution consists in understanding and solving the environmental-social-economic-cultural changes of the 21st century through the development and use of Aware, Multidimensional and Relative Intelligences (AMRI Model) by people and Societies.

The Human Conscious Mental Universe is formed through the use of Networks of Neurons that are able to build a Mental Reality in the brain of each person, capable of representing, modifying and intervening on the Reality External to the human organism.
In the 21st century, the rapid changes in the Earth, brought about by Human’s way of acting, have created major problematic challenges to which Humanity must be able to give precise and immediate answers, having a clear and defined conception and direction on:
– the concepts of health, information, autonomy, democracy, freedom, social – religious – political rights of the people and peoples of the Earth;
– the basic elements that people need to know and be able to do in order to actively participate in the life of their social community;
– on the Cultural models of life to be adopted, related to the different and multiple existing Cultures and Religions.